Closed Canadian Parks
is Rarely Being Updated
Here are Alphabetical and Provincial listings for
each of the amusement theme parks, beaches,
and pleasure gardens that are profiled in
Closed Canadian Parks.
As a cross reference, alternate names used
by a given park are provided here as
separate links. After each will
be the main name used.
CCP park names highlighted within a given article
will each link to a separate writeup. So you need
not return here until you wish to move on to a
park not mentioned in that article.
Bookmark the Closed Canadian Parks
Search Page
to make finding CCP
information an easy operation.
Alphabetical Order
Select a letter from the alphabet table below to jump immediately to
the start of that section, or scroll down to see an alphabetical list of
parks. If you know an exact or partial name of a park or city for
which you wish information, you may use your browser's
Intra-Page Search function, as explained on the
CCP Search page, to directly locate the link
to the article for that specific park.
File text sizes (designated `T') are shown to give an idea of an
article's depth and its loading time. The second figure (designated `I')
is for the total size of all images on the given article's webpage.
Those articles with many images may take some time to fully load and
so sizes have been listed. This is to warn you ahead of time so you
can decide to turn off image loading in your browser and just read the
text. Park articles without the `I' designation do not currently include
Ainslie Park Ontario (T: 5k)
Balmy Beach Lodge (McLaughlin Park) Ontario (T: 3k)
Balmy Beach Park Ontario (T: 8k)
Bay View Park Ontario (T: 6k) (I: 28k)
The Beaches Area (Overview) Ontario (T: 5k)
Bellevue Park Quebec (T: 8k)
(Parc) Belmont Park Quebec (T: 50k) (I: 1136k)
Boblo Island Park Ontario (T: 132k) (I: 852k)
Bond Lake Park Ontario (T: 6k) (I: 36k)
Borden Park Alberta (T: 20k) (I: 282k)
Bowness Park Alberta (T: 5k) (I: 30k)
Brighton Beach Ontario (T: 10k)
Britannia Park Ontario (T: 10k) (I: 113k)
Burlington Beach Ontario (T: 19k) (I: 291k)
Burlington Heights (Dundurn Park) Ontario (T: 18k) (I: 209k)
Canal Amusement Park (Burlington Beach) Ontario (T: 19k) (I: 291k)
Chestnut Park (Springbank Park) Ontario (T: 29k I: 217k)
Connell Park (Island Park) New Brunswick (T: 45k) (I: 745k)
Couchiching Beach Park Ontario (T: 6k) (I:106k)
Crow's Beach Ontario (T: 5k) (I: 85k)
(Palais) Crystal Palace New Brunswick (T: 3k)
Crystal Beach Park Ontario (T: 164k) (I: 2,714k)
Crystal Crescent Beach Nova Scotia (T: 4k)
Dominion Park Recreational Grounds Quebec (T: 54k) (I: 1,926k)
Downs' Zoological Gardens Nova Scotia (T: 11k) (I: 34k)
Dundurn Park Ontario (T: 16k) (I: 209k)
East End Park (Borden Park) Alberta (T: 20k) (I: 282k)
Eldorado Park Ontario (T: 4k)
Electric Park Ontario (T: 3k)
Elm Park Manitoba (T: 12k) (I: 470k)
Erie Beach Park Ontario (T: 31k) (I: 463k)
Exhibition Park
This name was used by four of the venues profiled in
Closed Canadian Parks:
Borden Park Alberta (T: 20k) (I: 282k)
Happyland British Columbia (T: 76k) (I: 1,100k)
Island Park (Connell Park) New Brunswick (T: 45k) (I: 745k)
Queen's Provincial Exhibition Park Quebec (T: 4k)
Fantasy Gardens British Columbia (T: 6k) (I: 71k)
Findlay's Pleasure Grounds Nova Scotia (T: 25k) (I: 534k)
Fighting Island Park (Golden Gate Park) Ontario (T: 5k) (I:22k)
Fort Erie Grove (Erie Beach Park) Ontario (T: 31k) (I: 463k)
Frolic-Land Ontario (T: 4k)
Frontier Amusement Park Ontario (T: 7k)
Funland (Borden Park) Alberta (T: 20k) (I: 282k)
Golden Gate Park (Fighting Island Park) Ontario (T: 5k) (I:22k)
Grand Beach Manitoba (T: 7k) (I: 128k)
Grand Bend Park Ontario (T: 11k)
Greenhill Lookoff Nova Scotia (T: 5k) (I: 68k)
Grimsby Camp/Grimsby Park/Grimsby Beach Ontario (T: 39k) (I: 133k)
Halifax (Overview) Nova Scotia (T: 4k)
Hamilton Beach (Burlington Beach) Ontario (T: 19k) (I: 291k)
Hanlan's Point Ontario (T: 78) (I: 1,592k)
Hanlan Memorial Park (Hanlan's Point) Ontario (T: 78) (I: 1592k)
Happyland British Columbia (T: 76k) (I: 1,100k)
Happyland (Winnipeg) Manitoba (T: 19k) (I: 493k)
Hastings Park (Happyland) British Columbia (T: 76k) (I: 1,100k)
High Park Ontario (T: 7k) (I: 202k)
Idylwild Park Ontario (T: 5k) (I: 70k)
Invererie Heights/Picnic Hill (Stanley Beach) Ontario (T: 35k) (I: 542K)
Ipperwash Beach (Grand Bend Park) Ontario (T: 11k)
Island Park New Brunswick (T: 45k) (I: 745k)
Jackman's Park Quebec (T: 3k)
Kew Beach/Kew Gardens Ontario (T: 12k) (I: 150k)
(Parc) King Edward Park Quebec (T: 11k) (I: 113k)
Knapman Beach (Burlington Beach) Burlington (T: 19k) (I: 291k)
Lagoon Park Ontario (T: 5k) (I: 18k)
Lakehead Park Ontario (T: 3k)
Lake Huron Park Ontario (T: 3k)
Lakeland Pool Ontario (T: 4k)
Lakeside Park Ontario (T: 26k) (I: 225k)
Lambton Park Ontario (T: 3k)
La Salle Park (Burlington) Ontario (T: 18k) (I: 283k)
La Salle Park (Lachine) Quebec (T: 4k)
London Parks (Overview) Ontario (T: 3k)
Long Branch Ontario (T: 4k)
Lorne Park Ontario (T: 3k)
Luna Park Quebec (T: 4k)
Manhattan Beach/Park Ontario (T: 7k)
Maple Leaf Park Ontario (T: 3k)
Maple Leaf Village Amusement Park Ontario (T: 18k) (I: 301k)
McLaughlin Park Ontario (T: 3k)
McNab's Island (Overview) Nova Scotia (T: 10k) (I: 24k)
Mirwin Park Ontario (T: 7k) (I: 47k)
Mohawk Park Ontario (T: 5k) (I: 37k)
Mountain Park Quebec (T: 5k) (I: 116k)
Munro Park Ontario (T: 6k)
National Park (Frontier Amusement Park) Ontario (T: 7k)
Oaklands Pleasure Grounds (La Salle Park, Burlington) Ontario (T: 18k) (I: 283k)
Ontario Methodist Camp Meeting Ground (Grimsby Park) Ontario (T: 39k) (I: 133k)
Peche Island Park Ontario (T: 6k)
Pennyland Manitoba (T: 5k)
Pinafore Park Ontario (T: 8k)
Pither's Point Park Ontario (T: 4k)
Playland (Wasaga Beach) Ontario (T: 8k) (I: 35k)
Pointe aux Pars Ontario (T: 4k)
Port Dover Park Ontario (T: 3k)
Port Stanley Park (Stanley Beach) Ontario (T: 35k) (I: 542K)
Privat's Ontario (T: 8k) (I: 19k)
Prudhomme's Landing Ontario (T: 7k) (I: 74K)
Pyramid Place Ontario (T: 5k)
Queen's Park Quebec (T: 8k) (I: 62k)
Queen's Provincial Exhibition Park Quebec (T: 4k)
Queen's Park (Salter's Grove) Ontario (T: 7k)
Rainbow Valley Prince Edward Island (T: 11k) (I: 387K)
Redmond's Pleasure Grounds Nova Scotia (T: 8k) (I: 31K)
Rendezvous Park Manitoba (T: 6k)
River Park Manitoba (T: 32k) (I: 337k)
Riverside Park (Montreal) Quebec (T: 3k)
Riverside Park (Timmins) Ontario (T: 3k)
Riverside Park (Winnipeg) (T: 4k (I: 110k)
Rockcliffe Park Ontario (T: 6k)
Rockwood Park New Brunswick (T: 12k) (I: 1,029k)
Salter's Grove Ontario (T: 7k)
Sandwich Mineral Springs (Overview) Sandwich, Ontario (T: 7k) (I: 42k)
Scarboro Beach Amusement Park Ontario (T: 44K) (I: 677k)
Skylon Tower Ontario (T: 13k) (I: 257k)
Snake Hill Grove (Erie Beach Park) Ontario (T: 31k) (I: 463k)
Sohmer Park Quebec (T: 4k)
Springbank Park Ontario (T: 29k I: 217k)
SportsWorld Ontario (T: 3k)
Stag Park Ontario (T: 7k)
Stanley Beach Ontario (T: 35k) (I: 542K)
Stanley Park British Columbia (T: 10k) (I: 35k)
Storybook Gardens (Springbank Park), Ontario (T: 29k I: 217k)
Sunnyside Beach Park Ontario (T: 90k) (I: 1,719k)
Sunset Park Saskatchewan (T: 4k)
Tower View Park Ontario (T: 12k I: 186k)
Upper Clements Adventure Park Nova Scotia (T: 28k) (I: 1.920k)
Upper Clements (Amusement) Park Nova Scotia (T: 28k) (I: 1.920k)
Upper Clements Wildlife Park Nova Scotia (T: 28k) (I: 1.920k)
Vue du Parc Quebec (T: 3k)
Victoria Park (Grimsby) Ontario (T: 3k)
Victoria Park (Hintonburg) Ontario (T: 6k) (I: 37k)
Victoria Park Scarborough (T: 8k)
Wabasso Park (La Salle Park) Burlington, Ontario (T: 18k) (I: 283k)
Wasaga Beach Playland Ontario (T: 8k) (I: 35k)
West End Park (Victoria Park, Hintonburg) Ontario (T: 6k)
Western Fair (Salter's Grove), Ontario (T: 7k)
Wet `n' Wild (Prudhomme's Landing) Ontario (T: 7k) (I: 74k)
White City British Columbia (T: 4k)
White City (Scarboro Beach Amusement Park) Ontario (T: 44K) (I: 677k)
Winnipeg Beach Park Manitoba (T: 45k) (I: 1133k)
Woodstock Toboggan Run New Brunswick (T: 4k)
Woolnough's Pleasure Grounds Nova Scotia (T: 8k) (I: 31K)
Provincial Order
Select a province from the table below to jump immediately to the
start of that section or simply scroll down to see a provincial listing
of closed parks. If you know the exact or a partial name of a park or city
for which you wish information, you may use your browser's
Intra-Page Search function, as explained on the
CCP Search page to directly locate the link to
the article for that specific park.
File text sizes (designated `T') are shown to give an idea of an
article's depth and loading time. The second figure (designated `I') is
for the total size of all images on the given article's web page. Those
articles with many images may take some time to fully load and so sizes
have been listed. This is to aid you should you wish to turn off
image loading in your browser and just read the text. Park articles
without the `I' designation do not currently include images.
Borden Park Edmonton (T: 20k) (I: 282k)
Bowness Park Edmonton (T: 5k) (I: 30k)
East End Park (Borden Park) Edmonton (T: 20k) (I: 282k)
Exhibition Park (Borden Park) Edmonton (T: 20k) (I: 282k)
Funland (Borden Park) Edmonton (T: 20k) (I: 282k)
British Columbia
Exhibition Park (Happyland) Vancouver (T: 76k) (I: 1,100k)
Fantasy Gardens Richmond (T: 6k) (I: 71k)
Happyland Vancouver (T: 76k) (I: 1,100k)
Hastings Park (Happyland) Vancouver (T: 76k) (I: 1,100k)
Stanley Park Vancouver (T: 10k) (I: 35k)
White City Vancouver (T: 4k)
Elm Park Winnipeg (T: 9k) (I: 298k)
Grand Beach Grand Beach (T: 7k) (I: 128k)
Happyland Winnipeg (T: 19k) (I: 493k)
Pennyland Canada/United States Border (T: 5k)
Rendezvous Park Lockport (T: 6k)
River Park Winnipeg (T: 32k) (I: 337k)
Riverside Park Winnipeg (T: 3k)
Winnipeg Beach Park Winnipeg Beach (T: 45k) (I: 1133k)
New Brunswick
(Palais) Crystal Palace Dieppe (T: 3k)
Connell Park (Island Park) Woodstock (T: 45k) (I: 745k)
Exhibition Park (Island Park) Woodstock (T: 45k) (I: 745k)
Island Park Woodstock (T: 45k) (I: 745k)
Rockwood Park Saint John (T: 12k) (I: 1,029k)
Woodstock Toboggan Run Woodstock (T: 4k)
Nova Scotia
Crystal Crescent Beach Sambro (T: 4k)
Downs' Zoological Gardens Halifax (T: 11k) (I: 34k)
Findlay's Pleasure Grounds McNab's Island (T: 23k) (I: 500k)
Greenhill Lookoff Pictou County (T: 5k) (I: 68k)
Halifax (Overview) Halifax (T: 4k)
McNab's Island (Overview) McNab's Island (T: 10k) (I: 24k)
Redmond's Pleasure Grounds McNab's Island (T: 8k) (I: 31K)
Upper Clements Adventure Park Nova Scotia (T: 28k) (I: 1.920k)
Upper Clements (Amusement) Park Nova Scotia (T: 28k) (I: 1.920k)
Upper Clements Wildlife Park Nova Scotia (T: 28k) (I: 1.920k)
Woolnough's Pleasure Grounds McNab's Island (T: 8k) (I: 31K)
Ainslie Park Hamilton (T: 5k)
Balmy Beach Lodge (McLaughlin Park) Owen Sound (T: 3k)
Balmy Beach Park Scarborough (T: 8k)
Bay View Park Bay View (T: 6k) (I: 28k)
The Beaches Area (Overview) Toronto (T: 5k)
Boblo Island Park Boblo Island (T: 132k) (I: 852k)
Bond Lake Park Aurora (T: 6k) (I: 36k)
Brighton Beach Sandwich (T: 10k)
Britannia Park Nepean (T: 10k) (I: 113k)
Burlington Beach Burlington (T: 18k) (I: 239k)
Burlington Heights (Dundurn Park) Dundurn (T: 18k) (I: 209k)
Canal Amusement Park (Burlington Beach) Burlington (T: 19k) (I: 291k)
Chestnut Park (Springbank Park) London (T: 29k I: 217k)
Couchiching Beach Park Orillia (T: 6k) (I:106k)
Crow's Beach Toronto (T: 5k) (I: 85k)
Crystal Beach Park Ontario (T: 164k) (I: 2,714k)
Dundurn Park Dundurn (T: 16k) (I: 209k)
Eldorado Park Brampton (T: 4k)
Electric Park Clemow (T: 3k)
Erie Beach Park Fort Erie (T: 31k) (I: 463k)
Fighting Island Park (Golden Gate Park) Fighting Island (T: 5k) (I:22k)
Fort Erie Grove (Erie Beach Park) Fort Erie (T: 31k) (I: 463k)
Frolic-Land London (T: 4k)
Frontier Amusement Park Niagara Falls (T: 7k)
Golden Gate Park (Fighting Island Park) Fighting Island (T: 5k) (I:22k)
Grand Bend Park Grand Bend (T: 11k)
Grimsby Camp/Grimsby Park/Grimsby Beach Grimsby (T: 39k) (I: 133k)
Hamilton Beach (Burlington Beach) Burlington (T: 19k) (I: 291k)
Hanlan's Point Ontario (T: 78) (I: 1,592k)
Hanlan Memorial Park (Hanlan's Point) Toronto (T: 78) (I: 1,592k)
High Park Toronto (T: 7k) (I: 202k)
Idylwild Park Cambridge (T: 5k) (I: 70k)
Invererie Heights/Picnic Hill (Stanley Beach) Port Stanley (T: 35k) (I: 542K)
Ipperwash Beach (Grand Bend Park) Grand Bend (T: 11k)
Kew Beach/Kew Gardens Toronto (T: 12k) (I: 150k)
Knapman Beach (Burlington Beach) Burlington (T: 19k) (I: 291k)
Lagoon Park Sandwich (T: 5k) (I: 18k)
Lakehead Park Thunder Bay (T: 3k)
Lake Huron Park Sarnia (T: 3k)
Lakeland Pool Burlington (T: 4k)
Lakeside Park Port Dalhousie (T: 26k) (I: 225k)
Lambton Park Toronto (T: 3k)
La Salle Park Burlington (T: 18k) (I: 283k)
London Parks (Overview) London (T: 3k)
Long Branch Etobicoke (T: 4k)
Lorne Park Toronto (T: 3k)
Manhattan Beach/Park Sandwich (T: 7k)
Maple Leaf Park Hamilton (T: 3k)
Maple Leaf Village Amusement Park Niagara Falls (T: 18k) (I: 301k)
McLaughlin Park Owen Sound (T: 3k)
Mirwin Park Wallaceburg (T: 7k) (I: 47k)
Mohawk Park Brantford (T: 5k) (I: 37k)
Munro Park Scarborough (T: 6k)
National Park (Frontier Amusement Park) Niagara Falls (T: 7k)
Ontario Methodist Camp Meeting Ground (Grimsby Park) Grimsby (T: 39k) (I: 133k)
Peche Island Park Peche Island (T: 6k)
Pinafore Park St. Thomas (T: 8k)
Pither's Point Park Fort Francis (T: 4k)
Playland (Wasaga Beach) (T: 8k) (I: 35k)
Pointe aux Pars Sault Ste. Marie (T: 4k)
Port Dover Park Port Dover (T: 3k)
Port Stanley Park (Stanley Beach Park) Port Stanley (T: 35k) (I: 542K)
Privat's Toronto (T: 8k) (I: 19k)
Prudhomme's Landing Jordan (T: 7k) (I: 74K)
Pyramid Place Niagara Falls (T: 5k)
Queen's Park (Salter's Grove) London (T: 7k)
Riverside Park Timmins (T: 3k)
Rockcliffe Park Gloucester (T: 6k)
Salter's Grove London (T: 7k)
Sandwich Mineral Springs (Overview) Sandwich (T: 7k) (I: 42k)
Scarboro Beach Amusement Park Scarborough (T: 44K) (I: 677k)
Skylon Tower Niagara Falls (T: 13k) (I: 257k)
Snake Hill Grove (Erie Beach Park) Fort Erie (T: 31k) (I: 463k)
SportsWorld Kitchener (T: 3k)
Springbank Park London (T: 29k I: 217k)
Stag Park Corunna (T: 7k)
Stanley Beach Port Stanley (T: 35k) (I: 542K)
Storybook Gardens (Springbank Park) London (T: 29k I: 217k)
Sunnyside Beach Park Toronto (T: 90k) (I: 1,719k)
Tower View Park Niagara Falls (T: 12k I: 186k)
Victoria Park Grimsby (T: 3k)
Victoria Park Hintonburg (T: 6k) (I: 37k)
Victoria Park Scarborough (T: 8k)
Wabasso Park (La Salle Park) Burlington (T: 18k) (I: 283k)
Wasaga Beach Playland Wasaga Beach (T: 8k) (I: 35k)
West End Park (Victoria Park) Hintonburg (T: 6k)
Western Fair (Salter's Grove) London (T: 7k)
Wet `n' Wild (Prudhomme's Landing) Jordan (T: 7k) (I: 74k)
White City (Scarboro Beach Amusement Park) Scarborough (T: 44K) (I: 677k)
Prince Edward Island
Rainbow Valley Cavendish (T: 11k) (I: 387K)
Bellevue Park Trois-Rivieres (T: 8k)
(Parc) Belmont Park Montreal (T: 50k) (I: 1136k)
Dominion Park Recreational Grounds Montreal (T: 54k) (I: 1,926k)
Jackman's Park Montreal (T: 3k)
(Parc) King Edward Park Boucherville (T: 11k) (I: 113k)
La Salle Park Lachine (T: 4k)
Luna Park Hull (T: 4k)
Mountain Park Montreal (T: 5k) (I: 116k)
Queen's Park Aylmer (T: 8k) (I: 62k)
Queen's Provincial Exhibition Park Quebec City (T: 4k)
Riverside Park Montreal (T: 3k)
Vue du Parc St.-Hyacinthe (T: 3k)
Sunset Park Regina (T: 4k)
The Unknowns (T: 8k) This includes coasters,
parks, and
amusement areas for which inadequate informtion has been found.
The lack of data precludes them from being placed into the standard
categories in Closed Canadian Parks.
Return to the
Closed Canadian Parks Introduction